The 1-day course will show students how to recognise, explain and deal with different hazards in the workplace.
Students will learn to apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role in accordance with regulatory requirements and industry good practice. Also, to identify the principles of workplace safety in a given workplace.
Identify the principles of workplace safety in a given workplace, and demonstrate safe work practices in a specific workplace.
Eligible for NZQA unit standards 497 & 13597.
Meditrain has 30 years experience so you are in very capable and experienced hands!
Our Health & Safety training is customised to suit specific business needs and is aimed at supporting in-house health and safety policies, and managing compliance costs.
Phone us 0800 084 543
This 8-hour course will prepare you with a comprehensive understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and the skills needed to apply these principles in the workplace.
This course will guide you through your health and safety responsibilities, including an overview on what equates to taking all practicable steps to ensure the safety of workers, providing the correct personal protective clothing and equipment and managing risks, as well as providing supervision and appropriate health and safety training.
Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principal systems including, but not limited to, emergency procedures, worker participation and engagement and hazard reporting.
You will be able to identify the principles of workplace safety in a given workplace and demonstrate safe work practices in a specific workplace.
Overall, students will learn to apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role in accordance with regulatory requirements and industry good practice.
Onsite group bookings - we offer group bookings for businesses or groups of people. The course will be held at your business premises or a suitable alternative. If you would like to book a group session, please book here.
Apply safe work practices in the workplace (NZQA unit standard 13597):
Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (NZQA unit standard 497):
NZQA Credits
The Unit Standard associated with this course is:
497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements - Level 1, Credits 3
17593 Apply safe work practices in the workplace - Level 2, Credits 4
If you would like these credits logged with NZQA, please provide your National Student Number (NSN) and your date of birth to your MediTrain Instructor.
Apply Safe Work Practices Course
Workplace H&S Requirements Course
Fire & Emergency Warden Course
Comprehensive Workplace First Aid Course